Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Institut für Bibliotheks- und Informations­wissen­schaft

Aktuelles / News

Auf dieser Seite werden kurze Informationen und Ankündigung zum momentanen Stand des Projekts veröffentlicht. This site displays short information and announcements to the status at hand about the project.

Continuation of IPBib in Bulgaria 2011-2013

IPBib project partner SULSIT Sofia applied for a new 3-year ERASMUS intensive programme LibCMASS in the field of Library and Information Science at the national agency of European Union in Bulgaria and got the project approval - congratulations!

Application for 3rd project year

Application for 3rd project year The signed application form for the 3rd project year for IPBib Vilnius 2011 was sent in time in March 2011 to DAAD Bonn. We hope for a project confirmation and funding support perhaps in June 2011.