Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Institut für Bibliotheks- und Informations­wissen­schaft

Course Overview


Time & Location Course Title ECTS


September - January 

2-4 modules (30 ECTS)

Information and Cultural Studies’ Theories and Traditions
Information Organizing Processes
The contribution of information science to evidence: an introduction to medical informatics
Computers, Artificial Intelligence, and Philosophy of Mind 7,5
Information literacies and instructional design (Summer school with UoWashington only for 10 students) 7,5


April - July

(subject to alteration)

3 modules (30 ECTS)

Digital Libraries 10
Long-term Digital Archiving 10
Communication and Semantic Web 10


Please find the module descriptions for Copenhagen on this RSLIS website


Digital Libraries (Berlin)


Within this module students are introduced to the main features, tasks and the development of digital libraries (as a form of a modern library).

Lecture: The Digital Libraries lecture course will cover the basics of digital libraries through readings, lectures and discussion and by examination of a number of current digital libraries. We will also consider the role of digital libraries in today’s knowledge environment, including distinctions among disciplines, content and formats.
Topics include: definition and architecture of digital libraries; archival principles in digital library design and practice; distributed vs. centralized models; aggregation tools; standards and interoperability, including metadata; copyright and access issues; and evaluation.

-- Instructor: Michael Seadle

Seminar: Patchwork Paradise
Is a digital library? If not: why not? If yes: what can digital libraries of heritage institutions achieve that YouTube can’t?
Does content make the difference – or are there other criteria that matter just as much? The seminar will focus on assessing digital libraries from various angles, with a focus on aggregating projects like Europeana, the Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek or the emerging Digital Public Library of America: Is there more to a digital library than a “patchwork paradise” of diverse content? How do the current large digital library projects create coherence, identity and context – both in technical terms and in terms of aggregating content, metadata, organizational and legal structures, and user interfaces? How can users contribute their "patches", and how do digital libraries affect digital practices?

-- Instructor: Ulla Wimmer


Long-term Digital Archiving (Berlin)


In this modules the students are introduced into the components, tasks and trends in long-term digital archiving. The students are expected to critically reflect on topics and they will be involved in the current discourse


The lecture addresses challenges and trends in long term digital archiving. It introduces the archival principles of integrity, authenticity and provenance that have guided the development of digital repositories and discusses key techniques, such as migration and emulation, for keeping digital content accessible. Methods for assessing the trustworthiness of digital repositories will also be considered. The lecture and readings will be in English. Students are expected to participate in class discussions.

-- Instructor: Michael Seadle


The seminar accompanies the contents of the lecture.

-- Instructor: Ulrike Stöckel


Communication and Semantic Web (Berlin)


This module aims to introduce the students into the contemporary theory and methods of scientific communication and knowledge management and enables them to put these methods to use.

Lecture: The lecture thematizes the Semantic Web and introduces related concepts, technologies and applications as well as the necessary semiotic structures. In particular, the operation and integration of current web technologies to semantic web applications is shown. The lecture gives the students an understanding for the functioning of the semantic web, its applications and their use is praxis.

-- Instructor: Christian Stein

Seminar: The seminar brings the content of the related lecture to praxis and includes several exercises concerning the presented technologies. The students will learn how to build ontologies themselves and how to use tools like Protegé. They will also be able to formulate and use vocabularies themselves and develop reasonable ontology designs.

-- Instructor: Michael Seadle