Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Berlin School of Library and Information Science


The main research focus at the Information Processing and Analytics group is Web Science, "the emergent science of the people, organizations, applications, and of policies that shape and are shaped by the Web, the largest informational artifact constructed by humans in history" (from the call of papers of the ACM conference on Web Science). Located in information science there are many connections to computer science, psychology, sociology, economics and digital humanities.


What matters? Key passages in literary works

As a sub-project of the DFG priority programme SPP 2207 Computational Literary Studies we analyse in the What matters? project how key passages in literature can be detected and characterised.


The REGIO project is funded by the BMBF within quantitative science studies. The objective is to map the emergence and success of cooperation in regional research assocations and innovation clusters. In our sub-project we examine particularly to what extent websites of research associations are suited to to evaluate regional cooperation relations.


The Uncovr project at the L3S Research Center aims to improve the identification and linking of musical works in videos. Methods from artificial and collective intelligence will be applied and developed for this purpose. For example, we will investigate what types of tasks and incentive systems are suitable for obtaining high-quality video-work assignments with the help of serious games or crowdsourcing. Likewise, it will be investigated how machine learning methods, for example meta-learning and similarity learning approaches, are suitable for solving the task.

Finished projects


As technical partner in the EU CSA DESIR (DARIAH ERIC Sustainability Refined) we develop procedures and systems for collaborative knowledge management and entity based search.